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K&K Mic

Posted by thorstenj on Saturday, September 13, 2008

I ordered a new K&K Mic the other day. Thought it would be interesting  to install it by myself. Instructions were very clear so it was no problem, except enlarging the hole for the endpin. I enlarged it by using larger and larger drillbits. 8 and 10 mm. went fine but the 12 mm was difficult. Turned out that 12 mm was more than my two drills could handle. Had to borrow my neighbours drill. It was a powerful drill that jumped every time I pressed the start button. So I couldn't hold it against the guitar. Had to start it in the air and slowly aim it for the whole. Pretty scary on a 3000 $ guitar. Anyway, I reamed it in, it made a horrible noise but it worked!

  Rest of the installation was easy, takes still some time, spent the whole evening doing this.


  Sounds great though, very happy with it.

1 comment on “K&K Mic”

erstokke Says:
Sunday, September 14, 2008 @1:54:16 AM

I thought the drilling part was a bit scary even on my inexpensive Blueridge. The original endpin was completely stucked, so I drilled right through it.

I thought the superglue part of installation was a bit scary too, so I wrapped the whole guitar in clear plastic wrapping.

Heres a trick that I found very useful: I put a small pocket lamp inside the guitar, so I could actually look inside the guitar throuht the pinholes.

Also, I took pictures with a small digital camera inside the guitar to see that everything was ok.

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